Want to buy or sell a cabin or vacation home in the Big Bear or the surrounding mountain and desert areas?

Ready to


Chances are that when you rent a vacation home, the thought will or has crossed your mind about owning your own. If you are interested in purchasing a cabin or vacation home, click the links below to view the current inventory both locally and in the surrounding mountain and desert areas that are for sale. We have partnered with the firm Deasy Penner Podley to assist you with finding and purchasing your very own slice of heaven. We’ll be happy to get it up and running immediately after you close escrow.

Alternatively, if you want to sell your property, Deasy Penner Podley is a full service boutique brokerage with global reach. DPP is a proud member of the elite “Leading Real Estate Companies of The World” and was awarded "Most Innovative Brokerage for 2020


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we Help?

We value your privacy and your information is safe with us. We don’t sell or give it to anyone. We will only contact you if you ask us to.


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